Friday, December 5, 2008

Cole's 4th grade picture

Cole just brought home his 4th grade picture. The one year I do not buy a ton, it turns out to be a good one. :-)
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Preparation

Yesterday Cole and I spent the day visiting the Garvie's. They have graciously invited us to join them and their family for Thanksgiving. Angela and I had planned to spend the day cooking and prepping food for Thanksgiving. Cole and Ian have been buddies since before they were 1. It is so fun to see them pick up there friendship as though it had not been months since they were together.
Cole and Ian disappeared when they were supposed to be peeling potatoes, but showed up in time to "rice" the cooked potatoes and mash them a bit.
We also made Cranberry sauce, Pureed Carrots with Grand Marnier and a Lemon Tart.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ginger-cranberry sauce

This is best served warm, though it is also delicious cold. The quantities here serve eight with plenty of leftovers.

Canola oil (for the pan)
2-inch piece fresh ginger, very finely chopped
4 -medium red onions, finely chopped
2 -bags (12 ounces each) fresh cranberries
Grated rind and juice of 4 oranges
2 -cups packed brown sugar, or more to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste

1. Coat a large saucepan lightly with oil and set it over high heat. Add the ginger and onions and cook, stirring often, for 4 minutes or until beginning to soften.
2. Add the cranberries, orange rind and juice, brown sugar, salt, and pepper. Lower the heat to medium. Continue cooking for 10 minutes or until the cranberries soften and some have broken up. Taste for seasoning and add more brown sugar or salt, if you like. - Adapted from Ming Tsai of Blue Ginger

Monday, November 24, 2008

Coco watching Cole and I get ready for the holidays.
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Job, New Era in my life.....

Well, yesterday I accepted a position with the Office of Systems Integration
I will be working on the Child Welfare System/ Case Management System New System Project. My office will be located downtown at the 5 Fwy and Garden Highway. I have canceled all of my substitute assignments and will spend the next two weeks preparing for my new life.

After spending almost eight years at my favorite job, (Cole's mom) I have some mixed feelings about the change. Luckily I have had time to get used to the idea and I have reached the point of excitement.

Two of my closest friends have recently made the decision to reenter the work force. Kathy has been with the State Air Resources Board for 8 months now. Ann Marie had a very promising interview on Friday as well.

Cole is actually impatient. He believes spending afternoons with his friends at extension will be fun. It probably will!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Cole playing quarterback in his first year of Flag Football .....
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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Golf Roast

This was easy, cheap and Excellent!!!!

A 7 bone chuck roast1 pkg. dry onion soup1 can undiluted mushroom soupA can measure of red wine
Place a 7 bone chuck roast on a large sheet of foil in a shallow pan. On top of meat put a package of dry onion soup mix, a can of undiluted mushroom soup and a can measure of red wine. Seal foil securely and bake while golfing at 250 degrees for 4-5 hours.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Flag Football....

On to the next sport... Flag Football season has started.

Cole played in his first football game on Saturday. It was quite entertaining once I figured out what the rules were. After a long season of multiple sports. (Basketball, Water Polo, Swim Team, Spring Baseball and Fall Baseball) we are ready for a little less bleacher time. The football games are 45 minutes long including the break. Works for me!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Last Baseball Game of 2008...

Cole played in his last baseball game of 2008 tonight. We have enjoyed the fall ball season. I just don't understand the name since it ends before Fall starts.

Anyway, it was another great game for the team, they remain undefeated. They have not always won handily, but have persevered and come back from behind when necessary. My hat goes off to our great coach Scott Congress, who really did a great job teaching the boys how to play the game, both physically and mentally.

Cole has not played "great" since school started, he is just too tired. At his last at bat tonight, John told him he would give him $200.00 if he hit a home run and $5.00 if he had a base hit. It worked, and he found the ball and got a good base hit. Luckily for us it did not get all of it!
We will miss the other parents and kids, but alas... Football Season is upon us!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Politics, The Media & Motherhood

John and I watched the announcement and introduction of Sarah Palin with hope & skepticisim. I was not sure what I expected, but she blew me away. The utter calm, professionalism and excitement she presented, have been underscored three fold with the latest attacks by the media. Having had a child at 17 and one at 40, I can relate to the family trials on multiple levels. Talk about grace under fire. Whew!

Sarah & Todd, Congratulations on the newest additions to the family. All children are a blessing!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Aug 31st

We spent the day recovering from all the work we did on Saturday. Gardening is not a leisure sport. LOL John and Cole went in shopping to get football cleats. His first game of Flag Football is next Saturday. We enjoyed dinner at VHCC. We had not been to dinner there in months. They are removing a 250 year old Oak Tree that is right next to the clubhouse. We contrasted that with George Washington and the USA and decided they were both "born" about the same time.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend.....

We are spending a quiet, yet productive weekend at home. Cole was originally scheduled to play baseball on Saturday, but they were not going to have anough players to field a team so they canceled the game. Friday was over 100 degrees. I spent the afternoon baking (of all things ...) a Pear Tart and Brownies. The three of us had a float about the pool and then muched on Ribs and corn on the cob.

Saturday, we spent way too much time working on the yard, trimming, washing, mowing, nailing, cutting, clipping, raking, pulling, and etc, and etc. We had to borrow (without permission :-o) the Sorenson's green waste bin. Luckily they have two, and are on holiday at the coast.

We went to mass at Holy Spirit and then the Norris clan came over. We have been doing impromptu dinners and float abouts and it has been great fun. John barbecued tri-tip and chicken and the Norris's brought bread, fresh green beans and brown rice salad. Yummy

We topped the night off with some time in the hot tub and Pear Tart.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where did the summer go....

I cannot believe I let another month get by without an update. So much to talk about and I never get a turn on the computer. Cole is back in school and that will help. He has become enamored with the computer game "Civilization" and likes to spend hours building his empires. Life here is the same, we are holding on and both still looking for work. Trying to keep a positive attitude and a smile on our face. The Olympics were a nice diversion and we enjoyed watching them immensely. After four years on the swim team we can all appreaciate what it takes to get a swimmer to the olympics.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cole's Art Project

Cole has been taking an art class from Mary Seo for the last 5 years. She does a great job of facilitating the kids entering a project at the California State Fair. Cole entered for the 4th time with a project called "Freedom Fighters". He was awarded a 1st Place Blue Ribbon, two tickets to the fair and his drawing was displayed in the Junior Art Exhibit. I am afarid my photography does not do the picture justice. It is a 1776 battlefield map. Once they release it, I will post a better shot. Thanks to those who went to the exhibit.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pear Tart

Pressed-Crust Pear Tart 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, plus more for the pan, at room temperature1 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for your fingers1/4 teaspoon baking powder1/2 cup sugar, plus 11/2 tablespoons1 large egg2 to 3 Bosc pears, peeled, halved, and cored1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon1/4 cup apricot jam1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice1 Whipped cream (optional)Special Equipment: 14-inch rectangular tart panHeat oven to 350° F. Butter a 14-inch rectangular tart pan and set aside.Combine the flour and baking powder in a medium bowl and set aside.Cream the butter and 1/2 cup sugar at high speed in the large bowl of an electric mixer. Lower speed to medium, add the egg, and beat until incorporated. Gradually add the flour mixture until fully incorporated. The dough will be very soft. Push the dough into the pan with floured fingers to form an even crust. Arrange the pear halves, top to bottom, cut-side down. Sprinkle with the cinnamon and the remaining sugar. Bake until the crust is golden brown, about 45 minutes; let cool.Heat the apricot jam and lemon juice in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, mixing until combined. Remove from heat and brush gently over the entire tart. Serve with the whipped cream, if desired.Tip: If you don?t have a rectangular tart pan, you can use a 10-inch round tart pan. The dessert can be made up to 2 days in advance, covered, and kept in the refrigerator. Yield: Makes 8 servings

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Last Baseball Game of the Season

Cole played in his last game of the season last night against the Mariners.  In the first inning Cole played at 1st base and caught the 1st ball hit to get the Yankees off to a good start.  They held their opponents to 1 run scored on a home run hit.  At his 2nd at bat he took the pitcher to a full count and walked on.  He ultimately scored the Yankees 1st run of the night.  Going in to the 5th we were down 5 to 4 (very exciting) but ultimately lost.  The Mariners had only lost one game all season and earned the right to move on in the TOC.  Great season.  Cole's skills improved by leaps and bounds.  Our goal is to keep him practicing those skills until Fall Ball starts.  On to Swim Team and Water Polo for the summer....

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Swim Team Ready Bench

Laguna Creek Versus Dixon

Laguna Creek Gators kicked off their swim season with their first home meet hosting the Dixon Dolphins.  Cole swam the butterfly in the 9/10 Boys Medley relay and they placed 2nd with a 1:17.07 time.  Cole swam in the 25 yard Backstroke and Breaststroke placing 4th in both events.  He swam in the 25 yard Butterfly and took third place.  He also swam on the freestyle relay team and the boys came in 2nd. 

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Book Club

Tonight was my night to host Book Club.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Laguna Youth Baseball at RiverCats game...

Cole and some of his team mates and coaches enjoyed a stroll around Raley Field before the game.  The boys had a great time.  Cole was able to obtain 3 autographs from the Salt Lake "Bees" team.  The are the minor league team for the Angels.  It was very very very HOT! and after two innings John had to take me home.  Cole was invited to stay with his buddies and Coach Craig brought him home.  Afterwards, you would have found all 4 of us in the pool. (Coco is turning into a swimmer too!)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

2008 Swim Team Time Trials.

Well the swim season has officially kicked off.  The Laguna Creek Gators had their time trials.  Cole swam well but a lot slower than Meet of Champs last year.  It is amazing how their times peak after several months of practice.  Cole did his usual slow down look at the competition.  Coach Josh said he will work on it with him.  This is the first year that kids swim an Individual Medley.  It was fun to watch him swim more than a length or two of the pool.  At time trials they swim all strokes and lengths, so they were pretty tired by 12:00 when we were though.  Our first meet is on May 31st when we will host Dixon.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Gibson Ranch Field Trip

I had the opportunity to tag along on Cole's class field trip to Gibson Ranch.  I took the official photographs of the event and put together a photo show for the class.  This was a very fun field trip.  The kids were rather stoic in the beginning.  They were all a bit uncomfortable in there period piece outfits.  By the end of the day they were tired, dirty and sated with chores and barbecue ribs and homemade ice cream.

Enjoy a slide show of our day!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another Triple A Game

Cole played another game of baseball last night.  It was a high scoring, exciting game.  The Yankees ultimately lost 17 to 16.  We have hit a point in the season where the boys are getting a good solid hit on the ball.  Most of them were line drives past the pitcher.  Cole was struggling at the plate and had struck out twice.  He went up to his third at bat when we were down by 1 run with two outs.  He took two good cuts at the ball but missed.  On his third pitch he hit a hard line drive that tore by the pitcher and 2nd baseman.  He ultimately scored and we were up by 1 going into the 5th.  I had our record wrong on an earlier post.  We are now 3 - 6 - 2.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Golf with the Shultz's

On Sunday we played a round of golf with Dan & Julia.  What a beautiful day with good friends.  Savannah watched Cole and helped him with his homework, then he was off to Kevin's house for a swim in their pool with friends.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Jessie Baker Games - Special Olympics

On April 23rd Cole's 3rd grade class attended the Olympic style games at Jessie Baker School here in Elk Grove.  The Kids had a blast cheering on the participants and helping with odd jobs.  Enjoy a slide show of our very special day..

Yankees versus the Dodgers

Cole's Triple A team played the Dodgers today.  The Dodgers started strong with two runs in the 1st inning.  Cole scored twice on three at bats.  He played 3rd base for the full game and caught a little pop up that was hit directly at him.  I think we are 4- 4- 2, But don't quote me :-)

Oceans ...

Last night John and I watched Oceans 12.  We watched Oceans 11 last weekend and loved it.  Cole spent the night with his buddy Eric after playing here at the house and swim practice.  We had planned to sleep in, but surprise, surprise, we were both up at 6 AM.

Friday, May 2, 2008

John's New Career

After 8 months of trying to figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life, John has started his new career in Financial Planning as a "Financial Security Advisor" for Northwestern Mutual

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Another three weeks fly by....

This is a hard habit to get in to. I think I need to make it my browser home page. At least then I would be looking at it everyday!

I am still on my quest to find gainful employment. I have revised my resume and am happy with the outcome.So I am busy submitting it to CSUS, Sutter, Kaiser, PeopleSoft Consulting firms and Northrop Grumman of all places. I am also keep my eye on the state exam bulletins. Right now would be a good time to be a scientist! LOl. Will apply for an IT exam with the State Ins Fund.

It is amazing how easy and hard the Internet makes finding a job.

Tinga Poblana with Chicken

Last night I tried a new recipe.. I love Mexican food and this one was great and easy to make.  You can make it ahead of time and assemble and heat.  It is great for leftovers and I think it will probably freeze well.  Had a bit in my eggs this am.. yummy.

Tinga Poblana with Chicken

8 chicken thighs

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper
4 cloves garlic, 2 cloves slightly smashed and 2 cloves finely chopped
8 ripe, whole Roma tomatoes or 2 cans (141/2 oz chopped & drained)
4 cups chicken stock
4 chipotle chiles + 2 Tablespoons sauce
1/2 - 1 pound good-quality chorizo
1 white onion (1/2 cut in chunks and 1/2 finely chopped)
6 red potatoes, diced
2 Bay leaves

1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon Mexican oregano (not Greek)
1 large avocado, peeled, pitted and thinly sliced
1 cup crumbled Mexican queso fresco or feta cheese

Place chicken in a stockpot and add water to cover. Add salt, pepper  onion chunks and smashed garlic . Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat and cook for about 20 minutes. If possible, let the chicken cool in the water.

When chicken is cool enough to handle, remove the skin and coarsely shred the meat. Set aside.

Heat a saute pan over high heat and add the tomatoes (no oil). Blister and char the tomatoes all sides. Turn off heat and add chicken stock and chipotles. Allow to cool. Pour into a blender and puree until smooth. Set aside.

Place the chorizo and onions in a stockpot and cook over medium heat. When the chorizo has released some oil, add the diced potatoes.

Reduce heat to low and cook until the potatoes have browned and gotten a little tender. Add cumin, pepper, oregano,bay leaves the shredded chicken and the pureed tomato mixture. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt to taste.

To serve, scoop into deep bowls and top with avocado diced onion and cheese. Serve with corn tortillas and Mexican beer.

Makes 6 to 8 servings.

Approximate values per serving: 557 calories, 35 g fat, 125 mg cholesterol, 35 g protein, 26 g carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, 1,351 mg sodium, 56 percent calories from fat.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Holy Spirit Jog-a-thon

On Wednesday Cole's school had a jog-a-thon.  We were remiss in getting pledges until the last minute.  On Tuesday he had 20 minutes before his baseball game and he visited our neighbors and came home with $105.00 in pledges.  He told our friend Kathryn that it would be good if she pledged $100.00!  It was all she could do not to laugh until she called me to share.

Cole ran 10 laps.  He is not a runner.  The most laps by a classmate was 13, so his performance was respectful.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday Night at the Diamond

The Yankee's played game 4 last night and tied with the Indians. Cole started at 1st, moved to 3rd, then Right field. After I left, Cole caught a pop fly in Right field. Had to look at his glove to be sure it was there before he celebrated. He struggled a bit at the plate. The pitcher was very good and threw hard and Cole is a bit gun shy after being hit a couple of times.
I was off to meet Theresa for dinner at Todo Un Poco. Jeff was out of town and we were having a little girl face time. Dinner was almost as good as my Cosmo :-)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another week whizzes by....

Another busy week in our household. Cole had Swim practice and Baseball practice on a couple of days this week. On Saturday his team (AAA Yankees) won their first game. They are now 1-1-1. Very exciting baseball at this age. You never know what is going to happen. Cole took another hit from a pitcher, this time in his thigh. He scored two runs in the game. Spent the rest of the time trying to look alive in all three areas of the outfield. Coach promised to start him at 1st base in the next game on Monday.

The weather has been a little cool. We are sneaking up to 70 on some days. Still could use some rain, but it looks like it will have to wait for next year.

I played in the 1st round of the Niner "Match Play" tournament. It was great fun. Jeanie Zaslove beat me on the 9th hole, but I feel good that it was respectably close.

No Golf this next Thursday. I have an interview at Sutter. The job is intriguing but the commute is not. Oh well. It is not as bad as what I used to deal with in LA/OC.

Back to chores... The pots around the pool are planted with herbs and flowers. I also put 4 tomato plants in the side yard. We should have plenty of basil and cherry tomatoes again this year.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

2nd AA A Baseball game...

Cole's team (Yankee's) played the "A"'s last night and tied the game. Cole pitched (1st time) two innings. Very exciting and extremely nerve wracking. I think I was more nervous then he was.

The 1st inning he was on the mound he struck out 3 hitters and left the 1 guy he walked on 1st base. The 2nd inning was not as glorious and he walked a few guys and had a run scored on him.

Overall he looked great and knows he can pitch good innings.

His 1st at bat he took a wild ball in the left wrist and dropped liked a fly. Scared me! He got back up, shook it off and took his base.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Holy Spirit Zoo Field Trip..

Today I chaperoned Cole's class on a field trip to the zoo. This trip was a little different then past visits. The 3rd graders were grouped with Kindergartners. Whew are they busy little guys. How soon we forget. It was a great lesson for Cole. He is used to marching off to be 1st in line. Today he was responsible for two "active" guys who were not always ready to listen to him.

After we returned they were to have their "Spring Fling" party. So their first day back after Easter break should be pretty sweet.

Later I picked up potting soil for the big pots around the pool. My tomatoes are in the ground and I am adding some herbs and flowers to the pots!

Need to get to the gym! Swim practice starts tomorrow and I plan to use that time wisely this year. ;-)....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jenn is ....32......

Happy Birthday Jennifer. It is hard to imagine. I can still see that tiny pretty little baby that arrived that day.

What a week, or has it been a month.

I need to get better at this blogging thing. It should improve when John and I are not arm wrestling for computer time.

Cole has been on Easter/Spring break for the past week. That means we are now juggling two sports. He had butterfly swimming clinics this week and a couple of practce games.

The Baseball season kicked off in the misty rain on Friday night. Cole had 2 at bats and scored on the first hit. Did some great baserunning. He has never played at a level where they were allowed to steal. Defensively he played right and left field. On one play he threw the ball from left field to home plate. None of us knew he could throw that far.

In the end our Yankees lost to the Mets.

Our next game is Tuesday. Swim practice also starts on April 1st and we will be practivcing on the days he does not have a game. The we meaning me in a lounge chair and Cole in the pool.

I golfed on Thursday with the Niners and had a fun time. I really need to work on my putting. John played in a scramble tournament on Saturday.

Jenn's Birthday Dinner

When Jenn was growing up, I had a favorite cookbook, "Betty Crocker's International Cookbook (1980).  A recipe from that book became one of her favorites and I would make it for he over the years on her birthday.  With her so far away, I could not make it, but a friends mom offered to try it.

Tarragon Chicken


2 ½ - 3 Pound chicken cut up

1 cup chicken broth

3 medium carrots, sliced

1 tablespoon snipped fresh tarragon or 1 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves

1 ½ teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1 bay leaf

4 ounces mushrooms, sliced

2 stalks celery, sliced

1 medium onion, sliced

½ cup dry white wine

½ cup half & half

3 tablespoons flour

1 egg yolk

Hot cooked noodles or rice

Heat chicken, chicken broth, carrots, tarragon, salt, pepper and bay leaf to boiling in 12 inch skillet or Dutch oven; reduce heat.  Cover and simmer 30 minutes.  Add mushrooms, celery and onion.  Heat to boiling; reduce heat.  Cover and simmer until thickest pieces of chicken are done, about 15 minutes.

Remove chicken and vegetables to warm platter with slotted spoon; keep warm.  Drain liquid from skillet; strain and reserve 1 cup.  Pour reserved liquid and the wine into skillet.  Mix Half & Half, flour and egg yolk until smooth.  Stir into wine mixture.  Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Serve with chicken, vegetables and noodles or rice.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring feels like it is here!

What a beautiful weekend!!!!

Sunny, 70's with a light breeze. Heaven! Maybe the added vitamin D is what allowed me to get my %&*#~+ computer fixed. What a trial.

John and Cole were off to baseball practice and the last basketball game on Saturday. Baseball practice was at the batting cages and Cole got a hold of a few and ripped the ball.

After Sunday's Mass, Father Dan celebrated his "0" birthday this weekend and the parishioner's outdid themselves with a beautiful luncheon. Someone made the best pasta salad and I am tracking down the recipe. Pasta, asparagus, olives, feta cheese with an Italian style dressing.. yummy!

Then we were off to Round Table Pizza for Cole's "End of Season" basketball team soiree. The kids had fun (wink, wink). Cole has some great Dad's coaching his classes team and it sounds like Coach Eric will be coaching all the way though 8th Grade.

Then it was home for a nap and then off to Ann Marie's house. She graciously offered to have the screening of the movie "Jane Austen Book Club" at her house. 5 of the book club members enjoyed the move together along with Pizza, salad and a great Chocolate cake. Thanks Yvette for the cake!

Monday had us back to the Job search, school and the gym. At baseball practice, Cole got on base twice. He was walked, but they were throwing "balls" and he was not getting suckered. At this level they can steal bases, and Cole stole his first base ever!

Go Yankee's

Friday, March 7, 2008


It is amazing how fast time flies.... John's office is set up. The gym is in the garage, and my house is still recovering.

Cole has started baseball practice and has his last Basketball game on Saturday. We will wait until April for him to start swimming.

His second trimester at Holy Spirit ended last week. His grades are good. 5 A's and 3 B's. He has started practicing his Piano Recital song. It sounds like an Indian war song, so he loves it! We will all know it by heart before long.

I am slowly recalling what I used to do for a living. Some days I get excited about the idea of going back to work. Still not sure how It will all work, but it always does.

The only other ~^*#@)~ excitement is how I have messed up our computer. I hate Technology!!!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Starting a New Phase....

Well John and I are starting the new phase in our lives. We spent the day moving his Man Gym to the garage and getting the old gym room set up as his new office. So today I feel like a truck ran me over.

Time to think of a name for our new company. Cunningham is too long to put in the name, so it needs to be an acronym of some sort.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time sure Flies...

It seems like a just typed a bit and then a whole week went by. It was a quiet week. I did get to the gym every day and that felt good. I am sticking to my New Years resolution to add cardio to my work outs. Tuesday I plan on getting back in a spinning class.

On Friday night we joined many friends at a wine tasting in Clarksburg. It was a fund raiser for the "Ambassadors" that are raising money to travel to Ireland. Very Fun.

Saturday Cole's basketball team played St Elizabeth. We watched the game with Marlene Sanborn (her Tim played against Cole) and Mark and Sharon Herringer. Their son Jack played in the following game.

Later we met up again for Sushi at Mikuni's. Great food and friends.

We will soon be moving on to Baseball. We got the call yesterday that Cole was drafted to play on the AAA Yankee's Quite an honor for a 9 year old.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chick Flick Day

Yesterday was "Chick Flick" Day. 7 of us met for lunch at Cafe Unsellie (such great food) and then went on to the Movie Theatre to see "Fools Gold". It was a cute movie. Kate Hudson is wonderful... The best of her mother. Mathew was Mathew, what can I say. Some of the ladies needed a bib.

Today I am off for my first interview in about 12 years. Should be interesting. :-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Back to work!!!!!!

Well it looks like I am on my way to becoming one of the employed again. I sent my resume to a couple of companies and I will be interviewing with one on Thursday. After 7 years at home with the best job in the world, I am going back with a little "tude" :-)

Thanks to our friend Mark, it sounds like it may be a nice opportunity. We shall see. I have no idea how I can do all I have been doing and work as well. Obviously my Thursday Golf game will be going away. And I was just starting to hit the ball so well.

Tonight is the 1st Swim Team Meeting and I will find out what time Cole might practice. We sihgned him up for basebal and wll find out that schedule on the 29th or so. Should be interesting.

I am sure I will find a way, as so many moms do.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

First Golf Round of 2008

I got a call from our friends, Dan and Julia asking if we were interested in playing golf this afternoon. Well let me see, it is sunny, 67 degress and February...

So Cole headed to the Shultz house to hang with their beautiful daughters and John and I joined them at the club. Julia has not gotten the Ok from her Doc to start swinging clubs so she pitched and putted.

I was a little intimidated to be playing for the first time in 3 months with the "big Boys", but for some reason I hit my best drives ever. The rest of my game was hit and miss. The boys had fun seeing who was going to win. After 9 holes Julia and I headed to her house for a Martini and the boys played a few more holes.

Fun day in the sunshine

The Beginning....

Good Morning World.....

I have been procrastinating about writing a journal and about posting more pictures on the web, and about letting friends and family know whats up with us for YEARS!

Who would have thought today would be the day.

Of Course, Cole is attempting to kick me off the computer so he can do his thing. John is off teaching a bible study class and I am in my PJ's drinking coffee.