Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time sure Flies...

It seems like a just typed a bit and then a whole week went by. It was a quiet week. I did get to the gym every day and that felt good. I am sticking to my New Years resolution to add cardio to my work outs. Tuesday I plan on getting back in a spinning class.

On Friday night we joined many friends at a wine tasting in Clarksburg. It was a fund raiser for the "Ambassadors" that are raising money to travel to Ireland. Very Fun.

Saturday Cole's basketball team played St Elizabeth. We watched the game with Marlene Sanborn (her Tim played against Cole) and Mark and Sharon Herringer. Their son Jack played in the following game.

Later we met up again for Sushi at Mikuni's. Great food and friends.

We will soon be moving on to Baseball. We got the call yesterday that Cole was drafted to play on the AAA Yankee's Quite an honor for a 9 year old.

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