Friday, March 7, 2008


It is amazing how fast time flies.... John's office is set up. The gym is in the garage, and my house is still recovering.

Cole has started baseball practice and has his last Basketball game on Saturday. We will wait until April for him to start swimming.

His second trimester at Holy Spirit ended last week. His grades are good. 5 A's and 3 B's. He has started practicing his Piano Recital song. It sounds like an Indian war song, so he loves it! We will all know it by heart before long.

I am slowly recalling what I used to do for a living. Some days I get excited about the idea of going back to work. Still not sure how It will all work, but it always does.

The only other ~^*#@)~ excitement is how I have messed up our computer. I hate Technology!!!!!

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