Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring feels like it is here!

What a beautiful weekend!!!!

Sunny, 70's with a light breeze. Heaven! Maybe the added vitamin D is what allowed me to get my %&*#~+ computer fixed. What a trial.

John and Cole were off to baseball practice and the last basketball game on Saturday. Baseball practice was at the batting cages and Cole got a hold of a few and ripped the ball.

After Sunday's Mass, Father Dan celebrated his "0" birthday this weekend and the parishioner's outdid themselves with a beautiful luncheon. Someone made the best pasta salad and I am tracking down the recipe. Pasta, asparagus, olives, feta cheese with an Italian style dressing.. yummy!

Then we were off to Round Table Pizza for Cole's "End of Season" basketball team soiree. The kids had fun (wink, wink). Cole has some great Dad's coaching his classes team and it sounds like Coach Eric will be coaching all the way though 8th Grade.

Then it was home for a nap and then off to Ann Marie's house. She graciously offered to have the screening of the movie "Jane Austen Book Club" at her house. 5 of the book club members enjoyed the move together along with Pizza, salad and a great Chocolate cake. Thanks Yvette for the cake!

Monday had us back to the Job search, school and the gym. At baseball practice, Cole got on base twice. He was walked, but they were throwing "balls" and he was not getting suckered. At this level they can steal bases, and Cole stole his first base ever!

Go Yankee's

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