Sunday, March 30, 2008

What a week, or has it been a month.

I need to get better at this blogging thing. It should improve when John and I are not arm wrestling for computer time.

Cole has been on Easter/Spring break for the past week. That means we are now juggling two sports. He had butterfly swimming clinics this week and a couple of practce games.

The Baseball season kicked off in the misty rain on Friday night. Cole had 2 at bats and scored on the first hit. Did some great baserunning. He has never played at a level where they were allowed to steal. Defensively he played right and left field. On one play he threw the ball from left field to home plate. None of us knew he could throw that far.

In the end our Yankees lost to the Mets.

Our next game is Tuesday. Swim practice also starts on April 1st and we will be practivcing on the days he does not have a game. The we meaning me in a lounge chair and Cole in the pool.

I golfed on Thursday with the Niners and had a fun time. I really need to work on my putting. John played in a scramble tournament on Saturday.

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