Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend.....

We are spending a quiet, yet productive weekend at home. Cole was originally scheduled to play baseball on Saturday, but they were not going to have anough players to field a team so they canceled the game. Friday was over 100 degrees. I spent the afternoon baking (of all things ...) a Pear Tart and Brownies. The three of us had a float about the pool and then muched on Ribs and corn on the cob.

Saturday, we spent way too much time working on the yard, trimming, washing, mowing, nailing, cutting, clipping, raking, pulling, and etc, and etc. We had to borrow (without permission :-o) the Sorenson's green waste bin. Luckily they have two, and are on holiday at the coast.

We went to mass at Holy Spirit and then the Norris clan came over. We have been doing impromptu dinners and float abouts and it has been great fun. John barbecued tri-tip and chicken and the Norris's brought bread, fresh green beans and brown rice salad. Yummy

We topped the night off with some time in the hot tub and Pear Tart.

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