Monday, March 31, 2008

Holy Spirit Zoo Field Trip..

Today I chaperoned Cole's class on a field trip to the zoo. This trip was a little different then past visits. The 3rd graders were grouped with Kindergartners. Whew are they busy little guys. How soon we forget. It was a great lesson for Cole. He is used to marching off to be 1st in line. Today he was responsible for two "active" guys who were not always ready to listen to him.

After we returned they were to have their "Spring Fling" party. So their first day back after Easter break should be pretty sweet.

Later I picked up potting soil for the big pots around the pool. My tomatoes are in the ground and I am adding some herbs and flowers to the pots!

Need to get to the gym! Swim practice starts tomorrow and I plan to use that time wisely this year. ;-)....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jenn is ....32......

Happy Birthday Jennifer. It is hard to imagine. I can still see that tiny pretty little baby that arrived that day.

What a week, or has it been a month.

I need to get better at this blogging thing. It should improve when John and I are not arm wrestling for computer time.

Cole has been on Easter/Spring break for the past week. That means we are now juggling two sports. He had butterfly swimming clinics this week and a couple of practce games.

The Baseball season kicked off in the misty rain on Friday night. Cole had 2 at bats and scored on the first hit. Did some great baserunning. He has never played at a level where they were allowed to steal. Defensively he played right and left field. On one play he threw the ball from left field to home plate. None of us knew he could throw that far.

In the end our Yankees lost to the Mets.

Our next game is Tuesday. Swim practice also starts on April 1st and we will be practivcing on the days he does not have a game. The we meaning me in a lounge chair and Cole in the pool.

I golfed on Thursday with the Niners and had a fun time. I really need to work on my putting. John played in a scramble tournament on Saturday.

Jenn's Birthday Dinner

When Jenn was growing up, I had a favorite cookbook, "Betty Crocker's International Cookbook (1980).  A recipe from that book became one of her favorites and I would make it for he over the years on her birthday.  With her so far away, I could not make it, but a friends mom offered to try it.

Tarragon Chicken


2 ½ - 3 Pound chicken cut up

1 cup chicken broth

3 medium carrots, sliced

1 tablespoon snipped fresh tarragon or 1 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves

1 ½ teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1 bay leaf

4 ounces mushrooms, sliced

2 stalks celery, sliced

1 medium onion, sliced

½ cup dry white wine

½ cup half & half

3 tablespoons flour

1 egg yolk

Hot cooked noodles or rice

Heat chicken, chicken broth, carrots, tarragon, salt, pepper and bay leaf to boiling in 12 inch skillet or Dutch oven; reduce heat.  Cover and simmer 30 minutes.  Add mushrooms, celery and onion.  Heat to boiling; reduce heat.  Cover and simmer until thickest pieces of chicken are done, about 15 minutes.

Remove chicken and vegetables to warm platter with slotted spoon; keep warm.  Drain liquid from skillet; strain and reserve 1 cup.  Pour reserved liquid and the wine into skillet.  Mix Half & Half, flour and egg yolk until smooth.  Stir into wine mixture.  Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Serve with chicken, vegetables and noodles or rice.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring feels like it is here!

What a beautiful weekend!!!!

Sunny, 70's with a light breeze. Heaven! Maybe the added vitamin D is what allowed me to get my %&*#~+ computer fixed. What a trial.

John and Cole were off to baseball practice and the last basketball game on Saturday. Baseball practice was at the batting cages and Cole got a hold of a few and ripped the ball.

After Sunday's Mass, Father Dan celebrated his "0" birthday this weekend and the parishioner's outdid themselves with a beautiful luncheon. Someone made the best pasta salad and I am tracking down the recipe. Pasta, asparagus, olives, feta cheese with an Italian style dressing.. yummy!

Then we were off to Round Table Pizza for Cole's "End of Season" basketball team soiree. The kids had fun (wink, wink). Cole has some great Dad's coaching his classes team and it sounds like Coach Eric will be coaching all the way though 8th Grade.

Then it was home for a nap and then off to Ann Marie's house. She graciously offered to have the screening of the movie "Jane Austen Book Club" at her house. 5 of the book club members enjoyed the move together along with Pizza, salad and a great Chocolate cake. Thanks Yvette for the cake!

Monday had us back to the Job search, school and the gym. At baseball practice, Cole got on base twice. He was walked, but they were throwing "balls" and he was not getting suckered. At this level they can steal bases, and Cole stole his first base ever!

Go Yankee's

Friday, March 7, 2008


It is amazing how fast time flies.... John's office is set up. The gym is in the garage, and my house is still recovering.

Cole has started baseball practice and has his last Basketball game on Saturday. We will wait until April for him to start swimming.

His second trimester at Holy Spirit ended last week. His grades are good. 5 A's and 3 B's. He has started practicing his Piano Recital song. It sounds like an Indian war song, so he loves it! We will all know it by heart before long.

I am slowly recalling what I used to do for a living. Some days I get excited about the idea of going back to work. Still not sure how It will all work, but it always does.

The only other ~^*#@)~ excitement is how I have messed up our computer. I hate Technology!!!!!