Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cole and Virginia...

On Tuesday morning, really really early I put Cole on a plane to visit his cousins in Chesapeake Virginia. After we rose at 3 AM to arrive at Sacramento Intl Airport at the ungodly hour of 4:30, I put my baby on a plane to the unknown. As I was driving to the airport I kept thinking about how hard it was for settlers to send off their young without a cell phone.

Luckily, Cole bought a phone before he left. It has been fun texting him. It started when he was in the plane on the tarmac and I was in the terminal trying not to cry, and it was not the thought of arriving at work at 6:00 am. LOL

He has been having a blast playing with his cousins. Too many activities to list. Dominoes, skating rinks, and water parks are the ones I remember, oh and the Library!

John and I are surviving back at home, working and taking care of business. We plan to golf and dine with friends tomorrow night.

Otherwise, we are just taking a moment to breathe afetr the hectic, basketball, baseball and swimming seasons. Football starts this Saturday. Oops, Cole will miss tryouts!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cole's 2009 Swim Team Picture

Cole's Summer Vacation Week 4 ?

Well I am not sure what week it is, but I do know I want to be him. This is a hang out with Dad week. Monday he was up early and to the pool by 6 am. Home for chores and then picking up his buddy Eric at 1:30 for a sleepover. By the time I arrived home from work they were in the pool, when I returned from Pilates class they were eating burgers... back on either the Football or Baseball video game before cookies and another dip in the pool.

Up again, and in the the pool by 6am, dropped Eric off and home for Chores. His buddy Jack is playing on the 10 and under All Star Team. John and Cole hitched a ride with the Heringers as Jack's "entourage" to watch a close game in Oakland (5/4) with the winning run scored on the Laguna Outlaws last at bat.

And it is only Tuesday... Like I said, I want to be Cole!

PS: Happy Birthday Mom, It was great talking with you today!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wendy & Jorge's 25th wedding anniversary

Cole swimming the 1st leg of the Relay

Cole and Nick at Roseville swim meet.

Crocker Art Museum

I went with friends to tour the CAM on my furlough Friday and took this picture of the construction of the new building. Mike and Keenan's company will be putting on the "skin" (outside walls). Jill gave a great tour of Maxfield Parrish prints currently on exhibit.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Furlough Fridays are back......

Well they have officially added a 3rd furlough to our month. I looked at my paycheck and wondered... "How low can they go!"

It looks like most offices will schedule the first three days of the month off. Scheduling the days works much better for us on our project. It is too hard to move forward with someone always out.

Time to think about a second job. Yikes!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

John Coco and I floated around

the pool until my fingers got wrinklely.

Golfing at Land Park

John as we were walking to the 1st Tee at William Land Park Golf Course to play 9 holes.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cole's Summer Vacation Week 3

Cole's plans for this next week are to enjoy some time off. He will still have Piano and swim practice, but the rest of the week is for lazing and hanging out with friends. I am taking a few days off and I look forward to being lazy with him.

Cole's Summer Vacation Week 2

Cole survived the week... barely. Baseball camp was great. The baseball coaches and players at Sac State put on a wonderful camp and Cole really enjoyed it. He survived swim team "Torture Week" at the same time. He attended practice every morning at 6:30 and then again every evening.. He was so tired by the end of the week I thought he would fall asleep in his soup.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Golf with the Niners...

On Thursday, I had the opportunity to play golf at Valley Hi Country Club with my old Niner golf group. What a treat. It was a beautiful day and the course looked great. I shot a 56 which is great for me. I think all the yoga and pilates helps my swing. As a guest you are not in the tournament, so there is not any pressure either. I actually putted better than I ever have. I won the pot for least putts. It paid for my lunch. I spent some time at lunch and after catching up with some friends I had not seen in a long time.

Great way to spend a furough day... :-)

Cole's Summer Vacation Week 1

Cole started his summer vacation with a week of summer camp at Laguna Creek Racquet Club. The kids spend the week playing Tennis, swimming, games and general FUN! The highlight of each week is a field trip on Thursday. This week the kids went to Sunsplash water park in Roseville. Cole had a blast. The best part was getting picked up in a Hummer Limousine. To keep him humble and get him into swim team shape we made him double up on practices, so most days he was in the pool at 6:30 am. By the end of the week he was exhausted. He ended the week with a swim team buddy, Nick spending the night. Cole was out like a light when we went to bed and Nick was playing his DS. LOL Oh to be ten again!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Jenn and her man Rick...

Jenn and her man Rick. Looking happy and good!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dinner tonight


7 oz. ground beef, sirloin
2 tbsp. finely chopped scallion
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 oz. blue cheese, crumbled
2 hamburger rolls, split
In small mixing bowl combine beef, scallion, Worcestershire sauce, chili powder and pepper, mixing well. Divide mixture into 4 equal portions and shape each into a patty, about 1/4" thick. Onto center of each of 2 patties arrange 1/2 ounce cheese, then top each with remaining patty, firmly pressing edges of patties together to seal.

Cole swimming the butterfly in the medley relay in the meet against Davis.

Summer Vacation

I sure miss being a kid...... John and I get to spend our summer working and Cole gets to spend his summer at all sorts of fun camps. His first week will be spent at Laguna Creek Raquet Club day camp. They spend the day swimming, playing tennis, racket ball, volleyball and whatever else they dream up. On Thursday they have a field trip and this week they will be going to Sunsplash water park.

What a tough life. Of course, we will make him attend swim practice too. LOL

Time sure flies

I cannot believe how busy we have been. Between my working full time and Cole with school piano, baseball, swim team and alter serving the three of us have been running for three months. Last night we ended the baseball season with a swim party at our house. It was fun to see the boys enjoying each other.

It also frees up our scheule. Yeah.

Cole finished 4th grade on Wednesday. It was a very fun year for him with all the historical activities and field trips. He finished the year with a good report card and three trimesters on the honor roll.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My computer is back home....

I now love the Geek Squad!

It was not cheap, but I have (basically) a new computer. It was amazing to discover just how much we use it! Cole even had to retype a 2 page report, when our computer crashed. (Ok, it didn't crash and yes it was my fault!)

Finished putting our paperwork together for Uncle Sam and the tax man says we will be ok!

Another crazy week to come. I will go see Dr. Ken on Wednesday and verify the continuing decline of my eyesight. I protest, but it is really just aging eyes, nothing more.

I spent Saturday at Sutter's Fort getting trained to be a pioneer cook for Cole and his class and their parents when we go in May. Came home smelling like a campfire. Very attractive!

Monday, March 9, 2009

And another week flys by....

Cole started Baseball, started swimming and ended Basketball this week. whew!
We are very excited to be on a baseball team with our friends the Heringer's and the Sanborn's. It will make the season especially memorable. Cole was drafted in to the minors which is a new division this year and he is playing for the Twins.

We are back at Laguna Creek Racquet Club for the swim season. I am just glad I have a guilt free time to work out. While Cole swims laps, I am stepping, running, yoga or pilates.

I had my third Furlough Friday and spent the day cleaning the house. Yuk! Doing Laundry Double Yuk! :-) They say we will have self directed furlough days from now on.

My computer is in the hospital.....OMG... I have not been without one since they invented them. LOL It will be home in 7 - 10 days. Good thing I have gone back to work or I might go through withdrawls!!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well so much for keeping my blog up to date....

Here I am almost three months since my last post. What happened... Oh yeah, I am working full time. DUH!!!!

1. We had a great Christmas week with Jenn and Bryant and I did not take even 1 picture.
2. We had a PJ Party on New Years eve with the Garvie's - Very Fun!
3. Cole is just wrapping up his basketball season (Holy Spirit 4th grade boys) and has really advanced as a player this year. John and I decided it was due to the time he spends on the playground after school playing one on one with other kids.
4. Cole played the Piano to a gymnasium full of proud parents and students in the Holy Spirit Talent Show. His piano teacher Mrs. Edwards attended to see him play and was proud as well.
5. We had another fun evening with the "31 gang" (neighbors) playing 31. It is our turn to host, so I am trying to find a sliver of space on our calendar!
6. The Heringer's and Sanborn's (including boys) came over for a little dinner party. Great fun. I learned I do not want to seat the men at one end of the dinner table. LOL
7. Two weeks later we found out that the boys were all drafted on to the same minor league team. "Go Twins". The parents are very excited about the season. Mark calculated the odds to be 1.6%. wow
8. I attended my first "Happy Hour" in 10 years. It was dubbed WaWaW...... (Women and Wine after Work). Very fun!
9. Just when I finally get a job, they decide to give me two days off every month and cut my pay. I have very mixed emotions about this. I spent my first unpaid "holiday" cleaning house. Yuk! I spent my second unpaid holiday shopping and going to the movies (The Reader). The shopping was probably unwise since I just got a pay cut. So next time we will stick to the movie!
10. We attended the Norris's annual Mardi Gras party and had a nice time catching up with friends and eating "Gumbo".

That pretty much hits the highlights........