Monday, March 9, 2009

And another week flys by....

Cole started Baseball, started swimming and ended Basketball this week. whew!
We are very excited to be on a baseball team with our friends the Heringer's and the Sanborn's. It will make the season especially memorable. Cole was drafted in to the minors which is a new division this year and he is playing for the Twins.

We are back at Laguna Creek Racquet Club for the swim season. I am just glad I have a guilt free time to work out. While Cole swims laps, I am stepping, running, yoga or pilates.

I had my third Furlough Friday and spent the day cleaning the house. Yuk! Doing Laundry Double Yuk! :-) They say we will have self directed furlough days from now on.

My computer is in the hospital.....OMG... I have not been without one since they invented them. LOL It will be home in 7 - 10 days. Good thing I have gone back to work or I might go through withdrawls!!!!

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