Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Starting a New Phase....

Well John and I are starting the new phase in our lives. We spent the day moving his Man Gym to the garage and getting the old gym room set up as his new office. So today I feel like a truck ran me over.

Time to think of a name for our new company. Cunningham is too long to put in the name, so it needs to be an acronym of some sort.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time sure Flies...

It seems like a just typed a bit and then a whole week went by. It was a quiet week. I did get to the gym every day and that felt good. I am sticking to my New Years resolution to add cardio to my work outs. Tuesday I plan on getting back in a spinning class.

On Friday night we joined many friends at a wine tasting in Clarksburg. It was a fund raiser for the "Ambassadors" that are raising money to travel to Ireland. Very Fun.

Saturday Cole's basketball team played St Elizabeth. We watched the game with Marlene Sanborn (her Tim played against Cole) and Mark and Sharon Herringer. Their son Jack played in the following game.

Later we met up again for Sushi at Mikuni's. Great food and friends.

We will soon be moving on to Baseball. We got the call yesterday that Cole was drafted to play on the AAA Yankee's Quite an honor for a 9 year old.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chick Flick Day

Yesterday was "Chick Flick" Day. 7 of us met for lunch at Cafe Unsellie (such great food) and then went on to the Movie Theatre to see "Fools Gold". It was a cute movie. Kate Hudson is wonderful... The best of her mother. Mathew was Mathew, what can I say. Some of the ladies needed a bib.

Today I am off for my first interview in about 12 years. Should be interesting. :-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Back to work!!!!!!

Well it looks like I am on my way to becoming one of the employed again. I sent my resume to a couple of companies and I will be interviewing with one on Thursday. After 7 years at home with the best job in the world, I am going back with a little "tude" :-)

Thanks to our friend Mark, it sounds like it may be a nice opportunity. We shall see. I have no idea how I can do all I have been doing and work as well. Obviously my Thursday Golf game will be going away. And I was just starting to hit the ball so well.

Tonight is the 1st Swim Team Meeting and I will find out what time Cole might practice. We sihgned him up for basebal and wll find out that schedule on the 29th or so. Should be interesting.

I am sure I will find a way, as so many moms do.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

First Golf Round of 2008

I got a call from our friends, Dan and Julia asking if we were interested in playing golf this afternoon. Well let me see, it is sunny, 67 degress and February...

So Cole headed to the Shultz house to hang with their beautiful daughters and John and I joined them at the club. Julia has not gotten the Ok from her Doc to start swinging clubs so she pitched and putted.

I was a little intimidated to be playing for the first time in 3 months with the "big Boys", but for some reason I hit my best drives ever. The rest of my game was hit and miss. The boys had fun seeing who was going to win. After 9 holes Julia and I headed to her house for a Martini and the boys played a few more holes.

Fun day in the sunshine

The Beginning....

Good Morning World.....

I have been procrastinating about writing a journal and about posting more pictures on the web, and about letting friends and family know whats up with us for YEARS!

Who would have thought today would be the day.

Of Course, Cole is attempting to kick me off the computer so he can do his thing. John is off teaching a bible study class and I am in my PJ's drinking coffee.