Sunday, March 15, 2009

My computer is back home....

I now love the Geek Squad!

It was not cheap, but I have (basically) a new computer. It was amazing to discover just how much we use it! Cole even had to retype a 2 page report, when our computer crashed. (Ok, it didn't crash and yes it was my fault!)

Finished putting our paperwork together for Uncle Sam and the tax man says we will be ok!

Another crazy week to come. I will go see Dr. Ken on Wednesday and verify the continuing decline of my eyesight. I protest, but it is really just aging eyes, nothing more.

I spent Saturday at Sutter's Fort getting trained to be a pioneer cook for Cole and his class and their parents when we go in May. Came home smelling like a campfire. Very attractive!

Monday, March 9, 2009

And another week flys by....

Cole started Baseball, started swimming and ended Basketball this week. whew!
We are very excited to be on a baseball team with our friends the Heringer's and the Sanborn's. It will make the season especially memorable. Cole was drafted in to the minors which is a new division this year and he is playing for the Twins.

We are back at Laguna Creek Racquet Club for the swim season. I am just glad I have a guilt free time to work out. While Cole swims laps, I am stepping, running, yoga or pilates.

I had my third Furlough Friday and spent the day cleaning the house. Yuk! Doing Laundry Double Yuk! :-) They say we will have self directed furlough days from now on.

My computer is in the hospital.....OMG... I have not been without one since they invented them. LOL It will be home in 7 - 10 days. Good thing I have gone back to work or I might go through withdrawls!!!!