Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Preparation

Yesterday Cole and I spent the day visiting the Garvie's. They have graciously invited us to join them and their family for Thanksgiving. Angela and I had planned to spend the day cooking and prepping food for Thanksgiving. Cole and Ian have been buddies since before they were 1. It is so fun to see them pick up there friendship as though it had not been months since they were together.
Cole and Ian disappeared when they were supposed to be peeling potatoes, but showed up in time to "rice" the cooked potatoes and mash them a bit.
We also made Cranberry sauce, Pureed Carrots with Grand Marnier and a Lemon Tart.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ginger-cranberry sauce

This is best served warm, though it is also delicious cold. The quantities here serve eight with plenty of leftovers.

Canola oil (for the pan)
2-inch piece fresh ginger, very finely chopped
4 -medium red onions, finely chopped
2 -bags (12 ounces each) fresh cranberries
Grated rind and juice of 4 oranges
2 -cups packed brown sugar, or more to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste

1. Coat a large saucepan lightly with oil and set it over high heat. Add the ginger and onions and cook, stirring often, for 4 minutes or until beginning to soften.
2. Add the cranberries, orange rind and juice, brown sugar, salt, and pepper. Lower the heat to medium. Continue cooking for 10 minutes or until the cranberries soften and some have broken up. Taste for seasoning and add more brown sugar or salt, if you like. - Adapted from Ming Tsai of Blue Ginger

Monday, November 24, 2008

Coco watching Cole and I get ready for the holidays.
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Job, New Era in my life.....

Well, yesterday I accepted a position with the Office of Systems Integration
I will be working on the Child Welfare System/ Case Management System New System Project. My office will be located downtown at the 5 Fwy and Garden Highway. I have canceled all of my substitute assignments and will spend the next two weeks preparing for my new life.

After spending almost eight years at my favorite job, (Cole's mom) I have some mixed feelings about the change. Luckily I have had time to get used to the idea and I have reached the point of excitement.

Two of my closest friends have recently made the decision to reenter the work force. Kathy has been with the State Air Resources Board for 8 months now. Ann Marie had a very promising interview on Friday as well.

Cole is actually impatient. He believes spending afternoons with his friends at extension will be fun. It probably will!