Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cole and Virginia...

On Tuesday morning, really really early I put Cole on a plane to visit his cousins in Chesapeake Virginia. After we rose at 3 AM to arrive at Sacramento Intl Airport at the ungodly hour of 4:30, I put my baby on a plane to the unknown. As I was driving to the airport I kept thinking about how hard it was for settlers to send off their young without a cell phone.

Luckily, Cole bought a phone before he left. It has been fun texting him. It started when he was in the plane on the tarmac and I was in the terminal trying not to cry, and it was not the thought of arriving at work at 6:00 am. LOL

He has been having a blast playing with his cousins. Too many activities to list. Dominoes, skating rinks, and water parks are the ones I remember, oh and the Library!

John and I are surviving back at home, working and taking care of business. We plan to golf and dine with friends tomorrow night.

Otherwise, we are just taking a moment to breathe afetr the hectic, basketball, baseball and swimming seasons. Football starts this Saturday. Oops, Cole will miss tryouts!