Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cole's 2009 Swim Team Picture

Cole's Summer Vacation Week 4 ?

Well I am not sure what week it is, but I do know I want to be him. This is a hang out with Dad week. Monday he was up early and to the pool by 6 am. Home for chores and then picking up his buddy Eric at 1:30 for a sleepover. By the time I arrived home from work they were in the pool, when I returned from Pilates class they were eating burgers... back on either the Football or Baseball video game before cookies and another dip in the pool.

Up again, and in the the pool by 6am, dropped Eric off and home for Chores. His buddy Jack is playing on the 10 and under All Star Team. John and Cole hitched a ride with the Heringers as Jack's "entourage" to watch a close game in Oakland (5/4) with the winning run scored on the Laguna Outlaws last at bat.

And it is only Tuesday... Like I said, I want to be Cole!

PS: Happy Birthday Mom, It was great talking with you today!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wendy & Jorge's 25th wedding anniversary

Cole swimming the 1st leg of the Relay

Cole and Nick at Roseville swim meet.

Crocker Art Museum

I went with friends to tour the CAM on my furlough Friday and took this picture of the construction of the new building. Mike and Keenan's company will be putting on the "skin" (outside walls). Jill gave a great tour of Maxfield Parrish prints currently on exhibit.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Furlough Fridays are back......

Well they have officially added a 3rd furlough to our month. I looked at my paycheck and wondered... "How low can they go!"

It looks like most offices will schedule the first three days of the month off. Scheduling the days works much better for us on our project. It is too hard to move forward with someone always out.

Time to think about a second job. Yikes!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

John Coco and I floated around

the pool until my fingers got wrinklely.

Golfing at Land Park

John as we were walking to the 1st Tee at William Land Park Golf Course to play 9 holes.