Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well so much for keeping my blog up to date....

Here I am almost three months since my last post. What happened... Oh yeah, I am working full time. DUH!!!!

1. We had a great Christmas week with Jenn and Bryant and I did not take even 1 picture.
2. We had a PJ Party on New Years eve with the Garvie's - Very Fun!
3. Cole is just wrapping up his basketball season (Holy Spirit 4th grade boys) and has really advanced as a player this year. John and I decided it was due to the time he spends on the playground after school playing one on one with other kids.
4. Cole played the Piano to a gymnasium full of proud parents and students in the Holy Spirit Talent Show. His piano teacher Mrs. Edwards attended to see him play and was proud as well.
5. We had another fun evening with the "31 gang" (neighbors) playing 31. It is our turn to host, so I am trying to find a sliver of space on our calendar!
6. The Heringer's and Sanborn's (including boys) came over for a little dinner party. Great fun. I learned I do not want to seat the men at one end of the dinner table. LOL
7. Two weeks later we found out that the boys were all drafted on to the same minor league team. "Go Twins". The parents are very excited about the season. Mark calculated the odds to be 1.6%. wow
8. I attended my first "Happy Hour" in 10 years. It was dubbed WaWaW...... (Women and Wine after Work). Very fun!
9. Just when I finally get a job, they decide to give me two days off every month and cut my pay. I have very mixed emotions about this. I spent my first unpaid "holiday" cleaning house. Yuk! I spent my second unpaid holiday shopping and going to the movies (The Reader). The shopping was probably unwise since I just got a pay cut. So next time we will stick to the movie!
10. We attended the Norris's annual Mardi Gras party and had a nice time catching up with friends and eating "Gumbo".

That pretty much hits the highlights........