Monday, September 8, 2008

Flag Football....

On to the next sport... Flag Football season has started.

Cole played in his first football game on Saturday. It was quite entertaining once I figured out what the rules were. After a long season of multiple sports. (Basketball, Water Polo, Swim Team, Spring Baseball and Fall Baseball) we are ready for a little less bleacher time. The football games are 45 minutes long including the break. Works for me!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Last Baseball Game of 2008...

Cole played in his last baseball game of 2008 tonight. We have enjoyed the fall ball season. I just don't understand the name since it ends before Fall starts.

Anyway, it was another great game for the team, they remain undefeated. They have not always won handily, but have persevered and come back from behind when necessary. My hat goes off to our great coach Scott Congress, who really did a great job teaching the boys how to play the game, both physically and mentally.

Cole has not played "great" since school started, he is just too tired. At his last at bat tonight, John told him he would give him $200.00 if he hit a home run and $5.00 if he had a base hit. It worked, and he found the ball and got a good base hit. Luckily for us it did not get all of it!
We will miss the other parents and kids, but alas... Football Season is upon us!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Politics, The Media & Motherhood

John and I watched the announcement and introduction of Sarah Palin with hope & skepticisim. I was not sure what I expected, but she blew me away. The utter calm, professionalism and excitement she presented, have been underscored three fold with the latest attacks by the media. Having had a child at 17 and one at 40, I can relate to the family trials on multiple levels. Talk about grace under fire. Whew!

Sarah & Todd, Congratulations on the newest additions to the family. All children are a blessing!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Aug 31st

We spent the day recovering from all the work we did on Saturday. Gardening is not a leisure sport. LOL John and Cole went in shopping to get football cleats. His first game of Flag Football is next Saturday. We enjoyed dinner at VHCC. We had not been to dinner there in months. They are removing a 250 year old Oak Tree that is right next to the clubhouse. We contrasted that with George Washington and the USA and decided they were both "born" about the same time.