Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Last Baseball Game of the Season

Cole played in his last game of the season last night against the Mariners.  In the first inning Cole played at 1st base and caught the 1st ball hit to get the Yankees off to a good start.  They held their opponents to 1 run scored on a home run hit.  At his 2nd at bat he took the pitcher to a full count and walked on.  He ultimately scored the Yankees 1st run of the night.  Going in to the 5th we were down 5 to 4 (very exciting) but ultimately lost.  The Mariners had only lost one game all season and earned the right to move on in the TOC.  Great season.  Cole's skills improved by leaps and bounds.  Our goal is to keep him practicing those skills until Fall Ball starts.  On to Swim Team and Water Polo for the summer....