Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Holy Spirit Jog-a-thon

On Wednesday Cole's school had a jog-a-thon.  We were remiss in getting pledges until the last minute.  On Tuesday he had 20 minutes before his baseball game and he visited our neighbors and came home with $105.00 in pledges.  He told our friend Kathryn that it would be good if she pledged $100.00!  It was all she could do not to laugh until she called me to share.

Cole ran 10 laps.  He is not a runner.  The most laps by a classmate was 13, so his performance was respectful.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday Night at the Diamond

The Yankee's played game 4 last night and tied with the Indians. Cole started at 1st, moved to 3rd, then Right field. After I left, Cole caught a pop fly in Right field. Had to look at his glove to be sure it was there before he celebrated. He struggled a bit at the plate. The pitcher was very good and threw hard and Cole is a bit gun shy after being hit a couple of times.
I was off to meet Theresa for dinner at Todo Un Poco. Jeff was out of town and we were having a little girl face time. Dinner was almost as good as my Cosmo :-)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another week whizzes by....

Another busy week in our household. Cole had Swim practice and Baseball practice on a couple of days this week. On Saturday his team (AAA Yankees) won their first game. They are now 1-1-1. Very exciting baseball at this age. You never know what is going to happen. Cole took another hit from a pitcher, this time in his thigh. He scored two runs in the game. Spent the rest of the time trying to look alive in all three areas of the outfield. Coach promised to start him at 1st base in the next game on Monday.

The weather has been a little cool. We are sneaking up to 70 on some days. Still could use some rain, but it looks like it will have to wait for next year.

I played in the 1st round of the Niner "Match Play" tournament. It was great fun. Jeanie Zaslove beat me on the 9th hole, but I feel good that it was respectably close.

No Golf this next Thursday. I have an interview at Sutter. The job is intriguing but the commute is not. Oh well. It is not as bad as what I used to deal with in LA/OC.

Back to chores... The pots around the pool are planted with herbs and flowers. I also put 4 tomato plants in the side yard. We should have plenty of basil and cherry tomatoes again this year.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

2nd AA A Baseball game...

Cole's team (Yankee's) played the "A"'s last night and tied the game. Cole pitched (1st time) two innings. Very exciting and extremely nerve wracking. I think I was more nervous then he was.

The 1st inning he was on the mound he struck out 3 hitters and left the 1 guy he walked on 1st base. The 2nd inning was not as glorious and he walked a few guys and had a run scored on him.

Overall he looked great and knows he can pitch good innings.

His 1st at bat he took a wild ball in the left wrist and dropped liked a fly. Scared me! He got back up, shook it off and took his base.